Thank You for Contacting Us!

Our team is hard at work continuing to build the most robust drug shortage management platform possible. But we’re happy to hear from you and will be in touch shortly.

In the meantime, how about some light reading?

Check out our most recent educational blog posts to learn more about recent drug shortages, as well as best practices on how to proactively manage them.

Hospital Drug Shortages: Patients are Feeling the Impact

Hospital Drug Shortages: Patients are Feeling the Impact

A hospital patient needs treatment, but the medicine drawer for the drug they need is empty. What happens next? That’s a scenario too many hospital staff members deal with on any given day. While consequences of dealing with hospital drug shortages include loss of...

How One Innovation Quarter Start-Up Raised $1.4 Million

How One Innovation Quarter Start-Up Raised $1.4 Million

It’s an ever-increasing problem. You’re preparing for a scheduled medical procedure, and the hospital calls. There’s a shortage of one of the medications used in the procedure, and the procedure has to be delayed—for the foreseeable future. There just isn’t enough medication to go around. Now what?